Sabtu, 15 September 2012

What I Wore Sunday: Week 33

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…52 weeks of shaking up the wardrobe…
The Rules:
  1. Wear a different outfit every Sunday.
  2. Incorporate at least one article of clothing or accessory that was either refashioned, sewn myself, or handmade.
  3. Outfits can be worn more than once; just not the same way.
  4. Think outside the box and be creative!
Want to see what I wore Sunday?
week 33
I don’t know why this picture is so grainy, but whatevs.  I got this skirt off the clearance rack when Deege was a baby.  He is seven, so that was a while ago.  It was a long skirt, but not long enough.  It was just an awkward length, so I shortened it.  The zipper kept getting stuck, so I changed the waistband on it, too.  Now it’s one of my favorite skirts. 
Thanks so much to everyone linking up to the What I Wore Sunday link parties.  It’s so fun to see what you’ve all been up to.  I’m going to do a feature post soon, but I just haven’t had time.  I am so sorry.  I’m pretty sure things will change once canning season is over.  All I have left is potatoes and salsa.  Then I am done.  Whew!
Let’s link up some more cuteness for the feature post, okay?!
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Link up to anything you have refashioned or sewn yourself.  It doesn’t have to be dressy, and it doesn’t have to be worn on a Sunday.  It doesn’t even have to be worn by you.  Show it off!
  • No links to shops or giveaways, please.
  • Link back to Crafty Cousins on your blog too, okay?!
  • Bonus points for following Crafty Cousins or liking us on Facebook!  :)
  • Tell your friends about the What I Wore Sunday Link Party.  What’s a party without lots of partiers?
Can’t wait to see what you’ve got!  :)
signature nat

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