Kamis, 06 September 2012

Onions Have Layers.

It’s true.  They do.

My darling, sweet, adorable husband planted four rows of onions in the garden.  Why?

I have no idea.

We have green onions, red onions, white onions and yellow onions.

A lot of these onions went into the salsa I just bottled.  More on that later.

Some will go into the dehydrator, and others will go into the freezer.

I love having onions in the freezer.  Whenever you have a recipe that calls for onions, you just measure them out of a freezer bag (from the freezer, of course) and put the rest back into the freezer. 

What’s not to love?!

Have you ever frozen your own onions?

There’s really no trick to it, and it really doesn’t deserve a tutorial.  I was talking to a friend of mine, and she had no idea this could be done.  So, thanks to her, you get a tutorial on freezing onions!

How to prepare green onions for the freezer.  Tips from the Crafty Cousins.

Start off with a sink full of onions:

How to prepare green onions for the freezer.  Tips from the Crafty Cousins (1)

Wash them…

How to prepare green onions for the freezer.  Tips from the Crafty Cousins (2)

…dry them…

How to prepare green onions for the freezer.  Tips from the Crafty Cousins (3)

…use your sunglasses to keep from crying…  (it really works!)

How to prepare green onions for the freezer.  Tips from the Crafty Cousins (6)

…cut the ends off…

How to prepare green onions for the freezer.  Tips from the Crafty Cousins (8)

…chop them…

How to prepare green onions for the freezer.  Tips from the Crafty Cousins (13)

…arrange them on a single layer on a tray…

How to prepare green onions for the freezer.  Tips from the Crafty Cousins (12)

…pop them into the freezer for a few hours…

How to prepare green onions for the freezer.  Tips from the Crafty Cousins (16)

(See?!  They’re frozen!)

…then put them into a freezer bag, or other freezer safe container…

How to prepare green onions for the freezer.  Tips from the Crafty Cousins (17)

…and you’re done!

Easy peasy!

You can do this with any kind of onion.  It doesn’t have to be from your garden, and it doesn’t have to be green.

I love processing produce from the garden.  It’s just so fulfilling to grow, process, save, and eat the things you grow!

signature nat

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