Rabu, 19 September 2012

Martin defends World Championship gold scarce

Martin completed the challenging 45.7 km on some wet roads and with several climbs in 58:36 minutes and an average speed of 46.8 km / h. Alberto Contador did not play the expected role - the Spaniard was on the road even overtaken by Martin and only ninth. The two other Germans had large gap in their victorious compatriot Patrick Gretsch was 27th, Bert Grabsch came on the 36th Rank. Bad luck for the Italian Marco Pinotti: He fell in a curve and had to give up lying on a medal. After two bronze medals (2009 and 2010) and the world title last year Martin was the fourth time in series after a time trial on the podium. Born in Cottbus had gone into the race as the favorite. Not at the start were among the other four-time world champion Fabian Cancellara (Switzerland) and time trial gold medalist Bradley Wiggins.
"The real happy ending"
"In the end I was dead was the toughest time trial of my career," Martin said after his hussars ride. "That was a really hard jump," said team boss also Jan Schaffrath, who sat in the sleeping car and at the end almost had to fear for the victory. But Martin was finally lucky enough to one side. "After all the bad luck there was only one way to save the season: that was the title," said the Swiss choice. After crossing the finish line, Martin laid lengthwise on the tarmac and stretched out all fours. Only after his extensive congratulatory started a bit shaky. "I had not the best legs. Did not think it would be against Taylor still so close," said Martin. ".. This week was one of the best in my career, the public thought, I have to pick up the title just yet, because Wiggins and Cancellara were missing but that was one hell of a lot of hard work," said the happy world champion and beamed: "Today was the proper happy ending for this season. Phinney, however, had mixed feelings: "Before the start I would have signed immediately for silver - but missing when in the end just five seconds ..." he said. After all, "I have shown the best time trial of my life - and in 2013 the World Cup is then very close to my adopted country in Italy," he already looks forward.  
Cheers after many setbacks
Golden finale of a painful season started: his second gold medal in Valkenburg after winning the title at the start in the team time trial reconcile the 27-year-old but still with the year 2012, which started with a lot of bad luck effect on health and athletic setbacks. After crossing the finish line, Martin laid lengthwise on the tarmac and stretched out all fours. Only then began his extensive congratulatory. Martin was mainly in the central part of the route so well on the road, he started two minutes before him the co-favorites Contador 15.3 km overhauled before the finish - only a few villagers have witnessed. In the meantime, the first choice Swiss still a residue on the former junior and U23 World Champion Phinney. But then turned to Martin on the part still wet asphalt. 
Phinney again with silver
However, it was finally again just because something better Phinney took the final climb to the dreaded Cauberg. But it was enough for Martin, said in Valkenburg again luck was on the side. Also in the team time trial of the five years younger Phinney had at the start of the tournament in South Holland have to be satisfied with silver - after he was in London twice finished fourth. Until the Olympic silver in London was Martin who the season on the 14th at the Beijing tour Wants to end of October, by bad luck. In April overlooked a car driver the right of way and Martin transported to the hospital. Severe facial injuries made for a forced break. The Tour de France was intended to redress large. But the first highlight of the season ahead of London made in the prologue until a cut-up tires thwarted any hopes of yellow. Then he fell heavily and broke his scaphoid bone of the left hand. Without surgery only with a special stabilizing rail Martin survived the next few weeks, preparing heavily handicapped prior to the Games. Although the battle against the clock in the Limburg region lacked some of the protagonists, the victory for Martin did not have a lower value than in the previous year. "I'm incredibly proud of it," he said.

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