Rabu, 29 Agustus 2012

Hooray for Everything!

Have you entered the giveaway yet?
Okay this is a Pinterest-inspired project. I pinned this a few weeks ago

And let it stew in my brains for awhile. Then, I got to thinking about a favorite project of mine that I don’t even have in my own home! *Gasp* It was a gift that you may remember if you’ve been around awhile here.

I wax poetic in my own head about Amy Butler. I pretty much adore her patterns and fabrics. So I decided to use a favorite pattern for the Gum Drop Pillow and make my own storage.

It looks like she has even more pillow patterns you could use for this too. (like this one, or this one) All of our stuffed animals were in a nice, big wicker basket, but it was messy looking, and overflowing. So I made the gum drop pillow, and just made one little change.
Toy Holder (2)
I added a zipper. One of these days I’ll show you my hoard of zippers. It’s almost embarrassing. So I just did that on the final seam, and then turned it inside out. (if you’re really observant, you recognize the fabric from these pillow beds, another Pinterest project)
Toy Holder (3)
Then, we stuffed it full of the little critters
Toy Holder (4)
Zipped it up, and voila!
Toy Holder (1)
Seating for the munchkins, if they so desire it! And the basket? It now holds excess shoes by the door, instead of being all over the floor. Hooray!

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