Selasa, 11 September 2012

Shirring Shortcut

Hey!  Go enter the link party and get ready for another one on Saturday!  We’ll do the What I Wore Sunday link party every Saturday, so go spend some quality time with your sewing machine and show us your creations!
I like to shirr.  So does Ash.  Do you?
Look at all of these fun shirred things we’ve made:
So, yeah.  Shirring is fun.  You know how you have to wind the bobbin by hand?  That can be kinda time consuming.  Well, I found a shortcut.
Get your elastic thread and put it onto your sewing machine like you’re going to wind your bobbin.  Only don’t thread it.  Wrap the elastic thread around your thumb, then wrap it around the bobbin winder.  S-L-O-W-L-Y wind your bobbin so that you’re not stretching the elastic.
Shirred infant flower girl dress from the Crafty Cousins (4)
See how fast and easy?  If you have a big shirring project, wind several bobbins before you start.  It saves time later.
I had a big shirring project, and I wound about 10 bobbins for it.  I’ll show you that project later. 
Are you dying to know what it is?
I’ll give you a hint:
It has something to do with this silk flower bouquet I made:
(Which was super easy, btw.  All I did was get a little bouquet holder from Hobby Lobby, some silk roses and stephanotises, trim the ends, and poke them into the foam thing in at the top, wrapped the handle in white ribbon, tied a bow…)
Back to the hint:
It also has something to do with this wedding veil I made:
wedding veil
Check back on Thursday to find out what it was!
Oh, and guess what I’m doing tonight?  I’m teaching a class on refashioning to a bunch of ladies at my Church.  We’re having a “Refashion Show.”  I bought as much as I could for $20.00 at the thrift store and gave an article of clothing to several different people to refashion.  I can’t wait to see what they came up with.
I’ll post about that soon, too!  :)
signature nat

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